
Our Rules for DJ’ing at your Wedding!

SpinSisters believe that your wedding reception is the most important party of your life. We will aim to give you a night that you and your friends will remember for years to come.


We will

*Have a meeting with you either face to face or over Skype and discuss in detail your wants and
needs for the big day.

*We will listen to you & meet your requirements.

*We will make a list of must play tracks and genres.

*We will make a list of must not play tracks and disliked genres.

*We will make suggestions.

*We will play appropriate music at appropriate times.

*Stick to tunes that have vocals unless you would like jazz or something while you eat.

*We will offer to do playlists for you to listen to while you eat dinner ect.

*We will read the crowd at all times and if something isn’t working we will change it as quick as we can. You can kill a dance floor with one bad track and it can takea good 20 minutes to get people back on the dance floor.

*We will aim to please everyone of all age groups.

*We will play the genres and music in a way that flows.

*We will play tracks for the ladies and tracks for the men.

*We will mix the dance music (house, garage, drum & bass) with passion.

*We will take requests from your guests.

*We will take a few snaps and videos for our social media. 

*We will smile, dance and play with a postive energy.

*We will make you dance your socks off.

*Give you a party to remember.


We wont

*Play inappropriate music at inappropriate times.

*We won’t indulge in our own music tastes. This party is 100% about your musical taste.

*We won’t ignore the crowd energy.

*We won’t ignore your guests’ requests.

*We won’t talk over the microphone unless it’s necessary.

*Play hard dance music that doesn’t have vocals. (Unless you want us to) :)


Our promise to you is to make sure your wedding reception is perfect and that you and your guests have the time of your lives.

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